Ancestry Library

Genealogical sources for searching billions of names in thousands of databases. Note: Available only within the library.

Heritage Quest

Search Census, family histories, genealogical magazines, local histories, and primary sources.

Jefferson County Historical Society

The Historical Society’s goal is to actively discover, collect, preserve, and promote the heritage of Jefferson County.

Jefferson County Genealogical Society

The Jefferson County Genealogical Society (JCGS) is committed to the collection and preservation of data on Jefferson County inhabitants.


FamilySearch maintains a collection of records, resources, and services designed to help people learn more about their family history.

Find A Grave

Search or browse cemeteries and grave records for everyday and famous people from around the world.

Washington State Digital Archives

The Washington State Digital Archives delivers broad public access to both digitized and born digital records of state and local government.

United States Census

The U.S. Census Bureau serves America as a source of quality data about our people, business and economy.