Emergency Preparedness: Neighborhood Preparedness

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Age Group:

Everyone, Adults, Teens

Program Description

Event Details

Join us on the third Thursday of each month for a presentation on disaster and emergency preparedness hosted by Jefferson County’s Department of Emergency Management (DEM). Each session will focus on a different preparedness topic and provide essential tips and steps to prepare for various emergencies, including winter storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis. 

Hosted by Deborah Stinson & Dick Illman, March's workshop will discuss preparing your neighborhood for emergencies. Who will you rely on during a widespread disaster? Learn about Jefferson County’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors and Volunteer Communication programs and how to provide a simple roadmap to help you efficiently and effectively respond to disaster situations with your neighbors. 

Deborah Stinson is a co-founder of NPREP. She continues to support the program in a variety of ways. Prior experience includes 32 years working in information systems complemented by a dozen years serving in elected positions for local government.

Dick Illman retired from a 40-year technical career with Motorola, a 10-year Jefferson resident, the President of the Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club, and the Jefferson County ARES Emergency Coordinator

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