Request an Item

Use this form to request an item not found in the library catalog. The library will determine whether the request is purchased for the library’s collection or borrowed through Interlibrary loan. If purchased the library will place a hold on the item for you and you will receive a notice when the item is ready for you to pick up.   

If the item will be ordered through the Interlibrary loan service you will be notified when the item is ready for you to pickup. Items received through Interlibrary loan must be picked up and returned at the Jefferson County Library or Jefferson County Library bookmobile.

Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

Through Interlibrary loan, the Library provides patrons with access to information and materials that are not available in our Library. Some guidelines for the use of ILL:

  1. Patrons may have 3 interlibrary loan requests in the system at a time.
  2. Some items will be considered for purchase by our Library rather than borrowed such as fiction, items available in paperback at a low cost, and non-fiction which might fill a need in our collection.
  3. The lending library determines the loan and renewal period for the item. Patrons should contact the Jefferson County Library at least 3 business days before the item is due so the lending library can be contacted for a loan extension.
  4. Some libraries have items in reserve collections that cannot be borrowed.
  5. Use of the ILL service is a privilege extended to JCL patrons. It is the patron’s responsibility to make sure that borrowed items are returned to the Jefferson County Library or Bookmobile on time and in good condition so that our Library can remain in good standing with other network libraries. If the ILL service is abused, the patron’s access to this service may be denied.
This is the 14 digit number on your library card. Please enter with no spaces. If you do not know your barcode number please contact the library 360-385-6544.

Additional Information (Optional)

Address information can help us verify we are placing the request for the correct person.


Pickup Location

Select Your Location

Select Your Location

Item Information

Select the types of materials that will fill the request

Select the types of materials that will fill the request

Please include any additional information to help identify the item. For magazines or journals please include an issue and page number.
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