Introduction to Microsoft Windows 11: Managing Apps

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Program Description

Event Details

Learn to navigate Windows 11 in this beginner-friendly class series. Explore key features, personalization options, and practical tips for managing files, apps, and settings. This course is perfect if you are new to Windows 11 or looking to boost your confidence with the latest operating system.

Class Schedule Updated March 5

All classes are held on Fridays from 2:30–4:00 pm

February 7 – Finding and Opening Programs 
Learn how to identify different parts of the Microsoft Windows 11 desktop, find and open programs and files, and shut down and restart a computer.

February 14 – Managing Windows
Practice various mouse skills and learn how to minimize and maximize windows, move windows, and change their size. 

February 7 – Finding and Opening Programs 
Learn how to identify different parts of the Microsoft Windows 11 desktop, find and open programs and files, and shut down and restart a computer.

February 14 – Managing Windows
Practice various mouse skills and learn how to minimize and maximize windows, move windows, and change their size. 

March 7 – File Management
Explore basic file management skills, learn how to create folders, cut, copy, and move files, and use a USB drive. 

March 14 – Managing Apps
Learn how to find and install new applications and uninstall unwanted applications. Practice customizing your application shortcuts. 

March 21 – Updates and Customization
Keep your computer up to date and personalize your devices. Learn how to change a background picture, adjust pointer size, and more.