18:47:23 From david lubinski : Ken - what are the contractual constraints from BPA? Are these the same for all PUDs? 18:47:42 From Judith Rudolph : Aren’t there ways the PUD could advertise their incentives to lower energy use, such as ductless heat pumps. I know there are rebates, but I think people need to have more information and perhaps stories of how much people have saved locally. 18:48:42 From david lubinski : Does home based generation contribute to the maximum that PUD can generate? 18:48:47 From Krestine Reed : https://www.axios.com/bill-gates-terrapower-nuclear-power-plant-wyoming-17a42d84-d00f-4ad3-82b0-f7625ea98c78.html 18:51:50 From Krestine Reed : Clallam PUD had brochures on energy conservation and also prints articles in monthly magazine regarding heat pumps and other resource saving products. 18:55:21 From Krestine Reed : The Canadian Reactors that can Burn Nuclear Waste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u44skO-nMo 18:58:05 From Judith Rudolph : We should use the local media, radio and newspapers, to get more information out - it would at least open the debate. 19:00:18 From cindyjayne : This paper from Climate Solutions shows options for reaching the NW energy needs and meeting climate goals with renewable energy and storage, and keeping nuclear energy at the same 4%. https://www.climatesolutions.org/sites/default/files/2020-10/within_reach-climate_solutions_sept2018.pdf 19:01:38 From Krestine Reed : Don’t you think the general public needs to be educate that weapons R&D and proliferation and nuclear energy production are two different issues? 19:02:04 From cbarcus : If anything, improving the state of art for nuclear technology will make dealing with waste from old weapons production easier. 19:03:39 From cbarcus : 100% renewable energy plans have fatal flaws in terms of flexibility, material use, energy flow, potential growth rates, land use, political opposition, grid complexity, etc. 19:04:56 From Krestine Reed : Shouldn’t our PUDs be promoting or supporting community solar as in HB1814 currently in legislation? 19:06:30 From cbarcus : If nuclear remains expensive, it will end up having a minimal impact for decarbonization…nuclear power has incredibly unrealized economic potential which will start to be exploited with the next generation of advanced technology. 19:18:42 From Judith Rudolph : Is Clallam County PUD also locally owned? 19:19:11 From Krestine Reed : Clallam Public Utility District 19:20:08 From Kenneth Collins : All PUDs are locally owned by the counties in which they reside. 19:20:19 From Judith Rudolph : Sorry, I guess I was asking if Clallam has the same kind of relationship with the BPA? 19:20:44 From Kenneth Collins : Yes, they are a full-service customer. 19:21:10 From Krestine Reed : Yes, Clallam PUD ia a preferred customer to BPA. 19:21:26 From cbarcus : Thank you for bringing up dams! 19:21:31 From cbarcus : They silt up! 19:21:50 From cbarcus : They can seriously interfere with the ecology. 19:26:55 From David Blessing : Of course one reason California has energy issues is that they are focusing heavily on wind and solar while decommissioning nuclear plants. Would be OK except for climate change... 19:27:20 From Judith Rudolph : California also invests in geothermal. 19:27:30 From david lubinski : Q for Gayr & Ken — have there been any collaborations with PUDs across California/Oregon/Washington 19:29:53 From David Blessing : Haven't fish ladders been added to Snake River dams? Aren't these working to improve fish populations? 19:31:20 From Krestine Reed : 5,000 acres of solar farms is approved and supported by DOE for installation north of Joshua Tree Nat’l https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-is-approving-big-solar-projects-in-california-desert-11640119569 19:32:20 From Doug Rodgers : Fish ladders don't really work at the scale needed to replace the free run river. 19:32:49 From Krestine Reed : The lower Snake River dams are in place to support barging, which is what they were built for. This is documented fact. 19:34:23 From Gary Nelson : Snake River dams 4 dams total nameplate 3400 MW Operation costs $245M/yr 3400MW x 24hr/day x 365 days/yr = 29,784,000 MWh/yr ($245,000,000/yr)/29,784,000MWh/yr = $8.225/MWh best case => $.008225/kWh If capacity factor 50%, then cost is 2x Under 2cents/kWh 19:35:45 From Judith Rudolph : Are the disappearing glaciers a long (or short)-term danger to continual reliance on hydropower? 19:35:55 From Kenneth Collins : I need to sign off now. Thank you for having me as a guest. Regards to all. Ken 19:36:11 From david lubinski : Thanks Ken 19:36:19 From cbarcus : thanks 19:39:42 From Krestine Reed : There are reports that show the emend increase in energy production what will be needed to support the new EV demands. https://www.b-e-f.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/BEF_EV-cost-benefit-study_2020-1.pdf 19:41:03 From Krestine Reed : Excuse some of my typos above - long day tired fingers. https://www.b-e-f.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/BEF_utility-EV-planning-guide_2020-1.pdf 19:44:16 From cbarcus : Focus on developing technology that can scale both up and down, and then work on optimizing the supply chain. With nuclear, the DOE is intimately involved because of the fuel cycle. 19:46:15 From Krestine Reed : The Rep Simpson Initiative is nothing more than a concept to start discussion. For example there are only a few farms that will need to alter irrigation with infrastructure. A free-flowing river still has water. Other farms are dry farms. 20:04:47 From cbarcus : Disinformation attack. 20:08:19 From Judith Rudolph : Besides household/community solar, what do you see as the most likely / best sources of energy for Africa? 20:11:34 From cbarcus : Africa will be primarily decarbonized with nuclear power. 20:13:16 From cbarcus : There are over a billion people on the African continent, so that ends up being quite a bit of power. 20:15:32 From cbarcus : Hans Rosling 20:15:52 From Gary Nelson : Hans Rosling, washing machine 20:15:57 From cbarcus : Thanks everyone! 20:20:31 From Steven Blake : Hans Rosling's Ted Talk, "The Magic Washing Machine" 20:29:33 From cbarcus : 15 tons per capita of CO2 in the US? 20:30:14 From Jay : Thank you 20:30:24 From cindyjayne : Thanks, all! 20:30:26 From Krestine Reed : Jevons Paradox - production drives demand